— November 21 , 2022
The St. Joseph Prayer Team invites you to pray Night Prayer with our parish this Advent. We have designed a simple, straightforward resource so that you can focus on the prayer, rather than flipping back-and-forth to different pages to find readings and Psalms for each day. You can find a printed copy of Night Prayer in the Narthex leading up to Advent. For those unfamiliar with the Liturgy of the Hours or The Divine Office, Night Prayer is a simpler, shorter prayer that provides a foundation for learning to pray the other hours. If, through this experience, you are interested in learning more about Liturgy of the Hours or incorporating more Hours of prayer into your day, we encourage you to reach out to the prayer team (stjoelent@gmail.com). A printable PDF of the packet is available for download at the bottom of this page. We hope this resource enriches your prayer life and the life of prayer in our parish as we pray in unity as a Christian community.
Below is a video from Fr. Johnson and Srs. Regina Marie and John Marion explaining why they pray Night Prayer.