A sizeable number of children who attend Catholic schools in the Lincoln Diocese and our Haiti mission come from low-income families. These kids often don’t have the basic necessities of life, let alone backpacks or school supplies, and their home parishes struggle to meet the needs of these families.

To assist these schoolchildren, the Faith in Action Team from St. Joseph Church will be collecting school supplies on the weekends of July 15-16 and July 22-23. We will be accepting donations of school supplies before and after each Mass. If you would like to give a monetary contribution, place an envelope marked with FIAT School Supplies 2023 in the collection baskets at weekend Masses, and we will use these funds to purchase supplies.

See the flyer below for a list of needed supplies. Thank you for your generosity!

FIAT School Supply Flyer 07 07 231 Page 1FIAT School Supply Flyer 07 07 231 Page 2