Each year over 150 missionary dioceses and religious orders request permission to come to the Diocese of Lincoln to appeal for financial support. This appeal is a major source of funding for them, and the money collected goes directly to the missionary diocese or religious organization to help them serve the poor. Funds go toward providing food; housing; education; medical care; building of churches, schools, clinics, and catechetical training centers; digging wells; and educating candidates for the priesthood or religious life.

All the missionary priests who speak in our parishes have great needs for which they give their appeal. Some may ask for additional support, such as sponsoring a seminarian or religious for several months, in addition to their appeal at Mass. Our diocesan regulations do not allow this so that people will be able to support the needs of other missionaries who will give appeals in our parishes in the future. There are so many needs to be met from so many different dioceses and religious orders, and we must give each group a fair chance to receive our support each year. Please be generous!